“The writing is very good. One chapter leads into the next, making it darn-right difficult not to turn a page and keep reading. Finn, and most of the other characters, are so well defined that they come to life right off the page, including little Hercules.”
Click here to read the full review
Amend – 28th May 2013
“I must tell you that after I re-read the review just now I had to make an adjustment. I gave it the incorrect number of stars. I gave it 5 out of 5 which is not what is should have been.
It is actually a 6 star book. This means it is one of the best this year. At the end of the year there will be a vote of all the 6 star books to get the top 10 of the year. You can find the current contenders under the navigation tag “Top 10 2013.” Sorry for the goof-up.”
Sue Morris, Kid Lit Reviews
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